Saturday, 12 May 2007

Webbus Bloggus Premierus

The first one. Had to start somewhere. So here it is.

And if it's less than impressive I can simply tell no-one about it.
A plan perfect in its devious simplicity.

The first question people will no doubt ask (as I did of my friends who have begun this malarkey) is . . . why? Why subject the unsuspecting world to the rantings of a self-confessed nerd and all-around slightly boring person?

Surely there's enough of that sort of bollocks on the net already?

It's a question of morals, really. I tend to pick on my rarely-posting blogger friends for not posting often enough. Calling them slackarse sons-of-bitches and whatnot. It's just general humiliation and shaming behaviour on my part. Nothing too serious. And nothing with which I should have a problem . . . except a little ethical/philosophical dilemma, which is this:

Unless I myself am a regular poster on some sort of blog, then surely this amounts to hypocrisy?

I imagine it does.

The first step towards absolution, of course, is to try it myself and see if it's an easy task to update this more than once a week.

After a burst of energy resulting in two posts in the first twenty-four hours (prediction only at this stage, but I'm optimistic) will it peter out into a chore that must be attended to only when I am reminded (shamed/humiliated) by my (hyper/hypocritical) friends?

Or, will it become a joyous and pleasurable fulcrum for my artistic expression? A place to vent, converse, muse, philosophise and rant?

Or just to post amusing photos of my willy?

Time will tell.


Rob said...

Perhaps, but when the blogs of those self same friends' evolve to become their only mode of communication then those of us who don't blog are perhaps justified in, rather than saying "what's up?", instead saying "why haven't you posted?".

When conversations with same friends start with them asking "Did I tell you about suchandsuch?" and you can respond "No, but I read about it in your blog", which of course results in the death of most small talk, and you are left to only discuss that which you have in common you discover who your real friends are.
If your friendship can survive the dearth of conversation created by the information supplied in blogs then it is indeed true friendship.
True friendship which can endure, as we all know, at least a small amount of hypocrisy. (I don't like bands with whiny voices, but I like REM.)

So, Matt... when's your next post?

Matt said...

Shouldn't be a problem, as I'm sure the novelty will wear off soon.

Even if not, I think a blog can be a tool for increasing communication. As long as it has well-defined areas of doubt and uncertainty.

Budge said...

see, the whole "no i read about it on your blog" thing does tend to stop conversation in some circumstances, but only if what's on the blog is in fact, the end product.... for instance, matt may see an episode of say, bagactica, and may think "oooh, that's quite a good episode of bagactica." He may then choose to blog about it. However, the next morning, he may wake up thinking "dammit. that wasn't just quite good, that was tops.", and by evening, it might well have become the best episode of anything shown on tv... ever.

It is then, that conversation is created, when he sees his friends. "I saw the best episode of television ever", he'll say, and they'll look strangely at him and say "but your blog says it was only quite good."

Thus, is conflict, and so meaningful dialogue, created.